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RIP Nahed Hattar: Defender of Syria,
opponent of Takfirism and champion of Palestine

Excerpts from Mouqawamah Music, by Jonathan Azaziah

It is all types of despicable that the Zionist media has hijacked the martyrdom of Jordanian Mouqawamist writer, journalist and thinker Nahed Hattar in an attempt to spread fitnah between Muslims and Christians.

The New York Times, The Guardian, BBC, CNN, The Telegraph, Al-Jazeera and numerous other mainstream outlets have all made it a point in their reportage of Nahed’s killing to repeatedly highlight–in the fashion of typical psychological warfare and hasbara operations–his Christian background against a backdrop of rampaging, bloodthirsty, ever-advancing, basically-sentient “Islamic extremism” which is consuming every non-Muslim voice of “moderation” and “tolerance” in our region.

There is no nuance. There is no political or geopolitical analysis. There is no notation of the social and religious peripheries, particularly in Jordan. Nor is there any historical context whatsoever.

The Parasites’ Press simply wants everyone to follow Hattar’s murder strictly through the lens of the lone event which Zion says is the reason he was killed: His Facebooking of a cartoon that led to him being put on trial for “insulting Islam”. And then on the day of that trial commencing, an “Islamic extremist” gunned him down in front of an Amman courthouse for that very cartoon.

The Parasites’ Press however, as if this really even needed to be articulated, is lying through its corroded teeth…(read more)…



Jordanie – Bye bye Nahed, vous resterez à jamais vivant
dans la mémoire des Levantins

par Mouna Alno-Nakhal, Mondialisation

Hier et aujourd’hui, la presse écrite et télévisée du Levant honore la vie et l’œuvre de l’homme politique et écrivain engagé, Nahed Hattar, citoyen jordanien assassiné ce dimanche par un «Takfiriste», comme l’affirment les autorités jordaniennes ; une brève définition de cette catégorie d’assassins regrouperait ceux qui rejettent autrui et agissent pour réduire au silence l’autre qui ose penser autrement.

Des autorités jordaniennes qui auraient profité d’une caricature, dont il n’est pas l’auteur et qu’il n’avait fait que reprendre sur son compte Facebook, pour l’accuser d’incitation aux dissensions confessionnelles et engager des procédures judiciaires à son encontre.

Il s’était pourtant excusé d’avoir involontairement heurté la sensibilité de quelques uns, et avait expliqué qu’il avait repris la caricature en question sur sa page pour illustrer la manière dont les terroristes imaginaient Dieu et le paradis. Trop tard, la machine de la haine s’était emballée et l’a fauché de trois balles sur les marches du Palais de justice à Aman.

Huffingtonpost.fr, entre autre, a rendu compte de la prétendue raison de ce crime odieux [1] contre un homme qui n’a cessé de défendre le « vivre ensemble » et, plus encore, comme le souligne M. Ghaleb Kandil dans son éditorial de ce matin :

 Ce crime assassin de l’écrivain arabe, Nahed Hattar, est en rapport avec le rôle primordial qu’il a joué dans la lutte contre les idées obscurantistes des Takfiristes ensauvagés et avec son engagement, précoce et publiquement déclaré, en faveur du camp de la résistance, de la libération et de l’indépendance, dans les plus sombres des circonstances… C’est avec beaucoup de courage qu’il s’est opposé aux gangs terroristes en les qualifiant, très tôt, d’instruments d’une agression coloniale et sioniste… Il a payé de sa vie son combat pour un Levant arabe digne des rêves de ceux qui sont tombés en Palestine, au Liban, en Syrie et en Irak. Si nous devions proposer une épitaphe, ce serait : « Nahed hattar, tombé en martyr pour la Syrie et la Résistance… martyr du nouveau Levant arabe[2].

Reposez en paix Monsieur Nahed Hattar, et comme votre prénom l’indique, montez plus haut… toujours plus haut. Sans vous connaître, nous avions compris ce que vous représentiez pour le Levant, empoisonné par le wahhabisme, bafoué par les gouvernements occidentaux drapés dans leur prétendue élégance humanitaire, saigné par leurs protégés terroristes.

Sans vous connaître, nous avions tenté de franchir la barrière de la langue, si commode pour certains gouvernements qui continuent à intoxiquer leurs citoyens, lesquels refuseraient peut-être de les suivre s’ils vous lisaient [3].

Vous n’aurez probablement pas le grand honneur d’un cortège de chefs d’État devant lequel marcheraient votre roi et votre reine, comme cela s’est passé à Paris en signe de solidarité avec le droit à la liberté d’expression de tous les « Charlie »… Vous aurez beaucoup plus. Vous resterez à jamais vivant dans la mémoire des Levantins. Et puissiez-vous, de là où vous êtes, apaiser la douleur de vos proches et de tous ceux que vous avez éclairés.

Notes :

[1] L’écrivain jordanien Nahed Hattar assassiné à Amman après une caricature jugée anti-islam

[2] شهيد المقاومة وسورية

[3] Articles de M. Nahed Hattar traduits en français :

Syrie : L’Occident prépare son plan B pour le jour d’après http://www.mondialisation.ca/syrie-loccident-prepare-son-plan-b-pour-le-jour-dapres/5337309

Liban / Syrie : Le défi de Nasrallah à la guerre israélo-saoudienne!

Syrie : Un massacre nommé «Adra».

Bye bye Genève, bonjour Damas 1!

Syrie : Les cloches des Églises de Raqqa se sont tues…

Initiative de Poutine : une réconciliation syro-saoudienne est-elle possible?



And the Entire Levant is Resistance

by Nahed Hattar, al-Akbar via al-Ahed News, 26 January 2015

“…I do love you, yet my love for you is neither to myself nor is it the axis of my life; But Syria is the axis around which my life and my love revolve. All of us must be for Syria, because came the time which, if gone while we haven’t done anything for the sake of our freedoms, we would then be falling into long severe slavery!”
This is what Antoun Saadeh wrote to author Edvik Jureidini on February 5, 1938.

In this short passage, the struggler utters his unison with his cause, prioritizing it over any other matter. In fact, this is crucial for strugglers who are adamant to achieve their goals; yet the most important is what the revolutionary intellect underscores in terms of the problematic of the time that is possible to achieve these goals. Furthermore, in an unmatched vivid attempt to shun slavery, Saadeh ventured into a fervent activity; he studied inside and outside the prison, in the country and the exile, granting his cause every modicum of his soul. Between the boiling years 1947 and 1949–his return from the exile and his martyrdom–he worked dauntlessly for the revolution. But he departed as the martyr of the time which did not allow the victory if the Syrian cause.

To him, as a man of a nationalist dogma, the Syrian cause just doesn’t die; Instead, Saadeh the struggled realized, with a delicate historical sense, that if the pillars of the Zionist entity were ever clinched, and the borders of the Syrian entities ever anchored, the nationalist cause would then vanish into deep oblivion. This approach brings back to mind the saying of Vladimir Lenin, before October 1919 Revolution, “Yesterday, it wasn’t too late, but tomorrow it will be; so now is time!”

It is history that grants the plausible opportunity, between long intervals, yet for a short time. The first chance to build a united independent Syria in 1920 was missed, when the leaderships of the Syrian kingdom failed, due to its traditional social nature, to marshal an efficient defense, whether political or military, in order to preserve a nationalist state, which only found in the end the symbolic heroic presence of the blood of Youssef al-Azmeh and his comrades, in Maysalun battle.

Afterwards, the struggle for independence certainly did not stop, and neither did the conflict against the Zionist scheme in Palestine. Nonetheless, despite the bravery behind all this, it was all happening within the frames of the borders of the entities drawn by Sykes-Picot. And, this very fact is the one that produced, in its own face, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). Considering the resilience of the separatist borders, the party was then an inspiration for thousands of engaged strugglers, educated, and innovative figures.

In the wake of WWII, with the shaky of the two colonialist powers that shared Greater Syria, namely France and Britain and their brushing aside in favor of the US and the URSS, an historical opportunity to accomplish the mission of unifying Greater Syria in a nationalist entity was then for the taking. Saadeh knew that the chance was limited by time and surrounded by socio-political complications. He then sought to make up for the pressure of both the time and the complications, through an assiduous unremitting struggle. Then was the moment of his martyrdom, the moment of a glory. It was also the moment of the efficiency of the internal components of the entities’ borders. Even President Hafez al-Assad, with all his weigh, could not, for internal hindrances in the two countries first and for inadequate international circumstances second, to unify the Syrian Republic and Lebanon; moreover, his efforts failed in Iraq, while he was challenged by the PLO through “the national independence decision.”

As to his ties with Jordan, they remained swinging between coordination and rivalry.

Over 50 years after Saadeh’s martyrdom, and eleven years after al-Assad’s, Syria’s enemies staged war on it. The belligerent coalition was colossal as comprising the US, Europe, the Gulf, Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the terrorist Takfiri forces, in a climate of changes of the so-called “Arab Spring,” which has really threatened to lose the Syrian center and to venture into an infinite era of slavery for the Zionists and the terrorists. Notwithstanding, owing to the steadfastness of the Syrian state, the Resistance and the Syrians, a new chance of victory of the nationalist cause in Greater Syria and Iraq was born.

The war did break the entities’ borders and it got clear to the local nations that they could not dissociate themselves from the growing wars in one geopolitical region.

From the unity of the resistance against the terrorists, to the unity of the resistance against “Israel,” the Syrian and Lebanese Resistance men have launched, empirically, the movement of the unity of Syria…and the entire Levant; what is important now is to take advantage of the little left time to move to self-awareness of the historical mission inflicted upon the Resistance men. As a matter of fact, the Golan is not the same as South Lebanon or Gaza; it is rather a joint field for the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Palestinians, the Jordanians, and Iraqis. From now on, there is no room for the fractional resistances or the fractional national projects. There is neither victory nor future without the unity of the Resistance, the unity of the leadership, and the unity of the goal: the independent union for a Levant without “Israel,” without fustiness, without sectarian and ethnical divisions, without impoverishment, marginalization, or aggrievement.


President Hafez al-Assad, Golan front, October 1973

The Resistance: The Golan Stage

by Nahed Hattar, al-Akbar via al-Ahed News, 23 January 2015

In 1981, in his response to the enemy’s decision to join occupied Golan, late President Hafez al-Assad said it, firmly and concisely, “Golan Heights are not situated on Syria’s border, but in its center.”

Indeed, this water-abundant fertile sumptuous pinnacle is situated in the center of Greater Syria; The Heights overlook Tabariya Lake and Hula Valley in the Galilee from the West, and borders with the plains of Hauran through Rakkad Valley that ends in Yarmuk River, Ajloun in Jordan through the river, and Lebanon through the hills of Mount Hermon. These 1860 km2 constitute the region of the golden center in the Syrian land. And, it might, when occupation is brushed off, assume a key developmental role as a common water-rich economic zone, a summer heaven, and a station for transportation means that would cut short distances and unite communities.

For al-Assad, Greater Syria was the same aspired political Syria. And it’s a paradox that the capacities to achieve this goal are available in the worst time. The first step to be realized here is unity within the Resistance in South Lebanon and the Golan, and always towards Palestine. Yet this unity entails what is more than support and coordination; it is the unity of the political path, the decision, and the center of the decision-making in Damascus.

Today, the Golan is a resisting region; on its soil, the stage of war ends outside the mini walls and resistance movements, and a new era of strategic comprehensive resistance begins for the purpose of liberating the land, the unity of Syria, and nationalist development. Doesn’t this what the martyrdom of Hizbullah’s members in Qoneitra signify?

The ongoing analysis is delving into the aggression and the response; is retaliation a priority or not? Will there be any response? And when? Will it develop into a regional war or will remain limited to the restrictions of the deterrence balance? This normal preoccupation is met by Syria and Hizbullah’s terrifying silence, the out-and-out Iranian threat, and the Israeli panic embodied by the many embedded apologies to Tehran: “We did not mean the General.”

All possibilities are available. The US is ready to pressure “Israel” to absorb a limited blow that would close the dossier; nonetheless, the parties of the Resistance axis, with their Russian ally, have nothing to fear in the event of a global war: Syria will assume a high cost, yet not higher than the one it has been paying since four years; besides, it shall render the regional climate favorable for it and shall drive the entire axis to fight with it, so that it ends up, with a quality leap, outside the crisis. And, if Hizbullah is ready, as stated by its Secretary General, then the war is definitely a date for political, strategic, and moral gains; as to the party’s allies in Iran, the war will be a date not just to express an excess of power, but also to reach a simmering course to address all dossiers. Concerning Russia, a war that shall increase the price of the oil barrel to more than USD 100 and bolster Moscow’s role is not a bad choice.

Sooner or later, the Resistance axis has no interest if the current status-quo continues. And, it is no secret that the front that is prone to break it is that of “Israel.” Even though the incessant terrorist war against the Syrian state since 2011 is the war of imperialism and Arab fustiness aiming to demolish the last fief of sovereignty, development, and resistance in the Arab world, anybody with conscience and perspicacity wouldn’t ignore that this war is also led in the name of “Israel.” Today, in 2015, the scene of war is completely unearthed, whereas nobody can hide behind liberal, humanitarian, or sectarian mottos; today, trenches faded into merely two: whether with Syria or with “Israel;” “al-Qaeda-al-Nusra Front,” after the “Free Syrian Army,” discovered this, and implicated in an announced alliance with “Israel” in the Golan and the regional intelligence services enemy to Damascus perceived the importance of entrenched cooperation with Tel Aviv. In the North, ISIS is working, after all, for the account of Erdogan’s Turkey who knows that realizing its regional greed in Syria is only doable through agreement with “Israel.”

Response or no response? War or no war? Two questions, that are, albeit salient, secondary; in fact, the stringent question is the following: resistance or no resistance? And the answer is clear: the resistance is enhancing a path and a structure. Perhaps the stupidity that “Israel” has made is exactly represented in breaking the mutual silence over the future of the conflict in the Golan and the announcement of the starting moment; this is how we shall keep linking between the martyrs of January 18, 2015, and the official date for the beginning of the popular resistance in the Heights, which unifies the strategic, defensive, and developmental course of Greater Syria.

Mouqawamah Music
al-Ahed News
Submitted by Cem Ertür 
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