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An image claimed by the CNN journalists Hala Gorani to be of a Syrian child discovered alone near the Jordanian borders while his leg was cut and bandaged with plastic bags, was found to be a part of different image where the family of the kid are seen walking ahead of him and his leg is fine.

Four-year-old Marwan, walking slowly, alone in the vast expanse of desert that forms the Syrian border with Jordan, his small fists clutching a plastic bag of his possession.


When Hala Gorani, the CNN news anchor, tweeted the photograph, with the caption “crossing the desert alone after being separated from family fleeing Syria” the story went viral.

Hala Gorani UN staff found 4 year-old Marwan crossing desert alone after being separated from family fleeing http://t.co/YdCt7gZrcN

Ms Gorani’s message was retweeted thousands of times, and within hours the story of little Marwan was picked up by news channels worldwide.


Jared Kohler, a UNHCR photographer, took a wide shot of the same scene. It shows several hundred refugees, streaming over the border from Syria to Jordan. And, in that crowd, Marwan is seen stumbling over the desert ground, just a few meters off to the side.

The photograph tweeted by Ms Gorani showed staff from the UNHCR refugee agency coming to help Marwan. Andrew Harper, the UNHCR representative to Jordan, who took the picture, had originally tweeted it with the more sober caption: “Here 4 year old Marwan, who was temporarily separated from his family, is assisted by UNHCR staff to cross.”

fake-cnn-7-Andrew harper

Mr Harper then posted a message on his twitter feed saying: “Just to let you know that Marwan was safely reunited with his mother soon after being carried across the Jordan border.”


The U.S., the major agent in Syria’s destruction and Syrians displacement, resorts to any false and inhumane measures to give Bashar Assad a bad name.


News & pics collected from Syrianperspective (The WP Guy),
Telegraph, Twitter and magazines online.

SyrianFreePress.net Network posted on 18 Feb 2014

