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Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera

(this will never be shown on mainstream media)


Washington Responsible for Crimes & Massacre in Odessa

In what can only be described as a massacre, 38 anti-government activists were killed Friday after US-led forces set fire to Odessa’s Trade Unions House, which had been sheltering opponents of the US and European-backed regime in Ukraine.

According to eye-witnesses, those who jumped from the burning building and survived were surrounded and beaten by thugs from the Right Sector. Video footage shows bloodied and wounded survivors being attacked.

Video By RT

The atrocity underscores both the brutal character of the right-wing government installed in Kiev by the Western powers and the encouragement by the US and its allies of a bloody crackdown by the regime to suppress popular opposition, centered in the mainly Russian-speaking south and east of Ukraine.

As the Odessa outrage occurred, US President Barack Obama, at a joint White House press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, explicitly endorsed the military offensive being carried out by the unelected Kiev government against protesters occupying official buildings in eastern Ukraine.

western backed Ukrainian regime

Western supported Ukrainian Regime after the US led Coup d’etat

Despite Western media attempts to cover up what happened in Odessa—with multiple reports stating that “the exact sequence of events is still unclear”—there is no doubt that the killings in the southern port city were instigated by thugs wearing the insignia of the Right Sector, which holds positions in the Kiev regime, along with the like-minded Svoboda party.

The Trade Unions House was set on fire by pro-Kiev elements after they surrounded and set fire to a tent camp of anti-government activists that had stood for several weeks in front of the building on Odessa’s Kulikovo Field Square. The building itself was torched after some of the anti-government protesters barricaded themselves inside it.

As the building was engulfed in flames, photos posted on Twitter showed people hanging out of windows and sitting on windowsills of several floors, possibly preparing to jump. Other images showed pro-regime elements celebrating the inferno. Some jeered on Twitter that “Colorado beetles are being roasted up in Odessa,” using a derogatory term for pro-Russian activists wearing St. George’s ribbons.

Thirty of the victims were found on the floors of the building, having apparently suffocated from smoke inhalation. Eight more died after jumping out of windows to escape the blaze, according to local police. Ukraine authorities said a total of 43 people died in Odessa Friday and 174 others sustained injuries, with 25 still in a critical condition.

The violence started as around 1,500 supporters of the Kiev authorities, who recently arrived in the city, gathered at Sobornaya Square in central Odessa. Armed with chains and bats and carrying shields, they marched through the city, chanting “Glory to Ukraine,” “Death to enemies” and “Knife the Moskals [derogatory for Russians].”

Odessa has been among the southeast Ukrainian cities swept by protests since the February coup. At the end of March, thousands rallied in the city, challenging the legitimacy of the coup-imposed government and demanding an autonomy referendum.

The Odessa massacre is the largest death toll so far since the Ukrainian regime, at the urging of the Obama administration, renewed its full-scale military assault on anti-government protests and occupations.

Earlier Friday, interim Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov said many separatists had been killed in a government offensive in Slavyansk. Kiev officials said troops overran rebel checkpoints surrounding the city of 130,000 people in an operation launched before dawn, adding that the city was now “tightly encircled.”

Despite the use of helicopter gunships, the assault stalled, however, because of local resistance. By early afternoon, the Ukrainian troops were halted in the villages of Bylbasovka and Andreyevka, where residents flocked to their lines to argue with them and urge them not to fight.

In Andreyevka, about 200 people formed a human chain to stop armoured personnel carriers and trucks. In Bylbasovka, residents chanted “Shame! Shame! Shame!” In the nearby town of Kramatorsk, people blocked roads with trolley cars and buses in an attempt to prevent the army from entering.

At his press conference with Merkel, Obama seized on reports that two Ukrainian helicopters had been struck by ground fire. He cited unconfirmed allegations by the Ukrainian intelligence agency SBU that one was hit by a heat-seeking missile as proof that Russian forces were involved. By the evening, however, even the New York Times admitted that no evidence had been produced of heat-seeking missiles.

Along with Obama’s incendiary claim, his backing for Kiev’s military onslaught points to a drive by the US and its European partners to create civil war conditions and goad Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration into intervening, in order to provide the pretext for crippling economic sanctions and a NATO confrontation with Russia.

Washington pushed for the renewed offensive just days after the Kiev regime appeared to back away from an all-out military assault, saying it was “helpless” to stop the occupations of buildings, which have spread to at least 17 cities and towns.

Putin sought to forestall the US-led push by signing a so-called peace agreement with the US, the European Union and Ukraine two weeks ago, which provided for ending the building occupations and halting plans for a military crackdown. This pact has been swept aside by Kiev and its backers. Putin’s spokesman yesterday said the “punitive operation” mounted by Ukraine had destroyed the agreement.

Russia called another emergency UN Security Council meeting Friday to denounce Ukraine’s actions. Moscow’s ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, warned of “catastrophic consequences” if the military operation continued, only to be denounced by his US counterpart, Samantha Power, who called the attack “proportionate and reasonable.”


Samantha Power

Power, who made a name for herself by championing US military interventions in Libya and elsewhere in the name of “human rights” and the “protection of civilians,” declared that Russia’s concern about escalating instability was “cynical and disingenuous.” In keeping with US government propaganda since the beginning of the crisis, she baldly asserted that Russia was the cause of the instability.

It was Washington and its allies, particularly the German government that orchestrated the ultra-nationalist February putsch in Kiev and then exploited the reaction of Moscow, and Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population, to accuse Russia of threatening Ukraine.

Having poured some $5 billion into the country to install the Kiev regime via violent paramilitary operations, it is now accusing Russia, without producing any serious evidence, of doing the very same thing.

Ukraine’s initial military assault last month began after CIA Director John Brennan surreptitiously visited Kiev. A second push followed a visit by US Vice President Joseph Biden.

There is evidence of ongoing US involvement. The Russian Foreign Ministry said English-speaking foreigners had been seen among the Ukrainian forces mounting the assault on Slavyansk on Friday, echoing its previous charges that Greystone, a US military contractor, is working alongside the Ukrainian military.

In part, the US operation seems directed at preventing an autonomy referendum planned by anti-Kiev opponents on May 11. In addition, a Ukrainian presidential election, scheduled for May 25, is seen by the Western powers as a means of lending legitimacy to the coup government in Kiev. The most widely-promoted presidential candidate, billionaire oligarch Petro Poroshenko, advocates NATO membership for Ukraine and the subordination of the country to the dictates of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

But with the Kiev regime failing to suppress the opposition, Washington appears intent on provoking a confrontation and then accusing Russia of preventing the presidential poll from proceeding. Meanwhile, on the pretext of training exercises, US troops are being deployed in the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as Poland, bringing NATO forces right up to Russia’s borders.



How Euro/US Neo-Nazi Thugs Supported by Kiev Regime Killed Odessa Inhabitants.
Photographic Evidence





The following text and photos were sent to Global Research. They indicate a carefully planned agenda to incinerate people inside the Trade Unions building.

The images as well as reports suggest that the death toll was significantly higher than that published by the media.

The Western media has been involved in acts of coverup and distortion, describing the self-proclaimed Euro/US Neo-Nazi Brown shirts as nationalists and “honest patriots”. Western governments have casually blamed the atrocities in Odessa on “pro-Russian paramilitaries”.

The Euro/US Neo-Nazi thugs are directly supported by the Right Sector and Svoboda which play a central role in the coalition government. The Right Sector is supported by Washington.

The Euro/US Neo-Nazi mobs in Odessa bear the hallmarks of  US sponsored terrorism (e.g Syria) trained to commit atrocities against civilians.  America’s Euro/US Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Confirmed by Germany’s Bild: “Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government”

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research Editor, May 5, 2014

A Great tragedy happened to the port city of Odessa at Friday, May 2nd, 2014.

Supporters of federalism were chased to the Trade Unions House by Right Sector mob. The building caught fire soon afterwards, which resulted (by official reports) in 42 deaths.

Originally posted by ‘frallik’ at Как убивали одесситов в Доме Профсоюзов – детали сценария… +18

Уже понятно, что в Доме Профсоюзов в Одессе было убито много более 42 человек. Провокаторы увлекли людей в здание, где их можно было убивать безнаказанно, с наслаждением и без свидетелей. Пожара внутри здания не было – была постановка пожара, чтобы списать на него массовое уничтожение граждан Украины.

It’s clear that the number of casualties in the Trade Unions House is far greater. Provocateurs captivated people into the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, with great relish, and without witnesses. Fire inside the building was directed in order to hide mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.

Odessa 1

Сначала поджог палаток на площади и организация значительного по площади открытого пламени на фоне здания. Людей увлекают под защиту массивных дверей Дома Профсоюзов. У сторонников федерализма на площади не было заранее заготовленных бутылок с зажигательной смесью. Откуда же возник пожар внутри здания?

Firstly, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in appearance of large open fire areas close to the building. People were captivated to hide behind massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov’s cocktails prepared in advance. From where has fire inside the building appeared?

Odessa 2

Люди, спрятавшиеся за дверями на первом этаже, были атакованы боевиками Правого Сектора, которые находились там задолго до начала экзекуции. На первом этаже люди сгорели до костей. Сначала у одного выхода…

People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution has begun. Those people were burned to the bones, first at main entrance…

Odessa 3

… потом у всех трёх.

…Then at rest of them.

Odessa 4

… пожарные прибыли, когда уже сгорели даже массивные входные двери.

Firefighters only appeared when massive entrance doors were burned through.

Odessa 5

В солидном пятиэтажном здании с потолками за 3 метра открытый огонь был ещё только в одном кабинете.

Only in a single room in a five-story building with ceilings over 3 meters high had fire visible from outside.

Odessa 6

Кто мог пробраться на крышу административного здания федерального значения? Наверно те, кто заранее получил ключи от замков, запирающих стальные решётки, ведущие к дверям на крышу.

Who could get onto the roof of the administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps those who in advance got the keys to locked steel gratings protecting the roof doors.

Odessa 7

Этих боевиков следует найти. Они могли бы рассказать много интересного о том, когда начался осуществляться план по массовому уничтожению одесситов, и как они заранее заготовили запасы горючей смеси в Доме Профсоюзов.
На нижнем фото клоуны из массовки изображают сторонников федерализма. Типичная голливудская (США/Израиль)подстава под “чужим флагом”.

These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the murdering plan implementation has started, and how in advance they brought supplies for Molotov’s cocktails to the Trade Unions House.

On the picture below stunt [above pic] clowns play a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style false flag action.

Odessa 8

Полностью сгоревшие трупы на первом этаже у входных дверей.

Charred bodies on the ground floor, near the entrance doors.

Odessa 9

Откуда обгоревшие трупы оказались выше первого этажа – там где не было открытого огня?

Why charred bodies appeared on higher floors where there was no open fire?

Odessa 10

То же фото с другого ракурса :
– деревянная панель на батарее, деревянные поручни на лестнице и лист дсп не сгорели
– синий овал – баррикада из столов, стульев и тумбочек. Она даже не затронута пламенем, хотя мы видим обгоревшие тела
– откуда баррикада? Скорее всего она была сооружена боевиками ПС, чтобы заблокировать пути к спасению на этажи выше

The same bodies from other viewpoint:
– Wooden battery panel, wooden railings on the stairs and chipboard sheet don’t look burnt;
– Blue oval points to the barricade made of tables, chairs and cabinets. It hadn’t even touched by fire, unlike the charred bodies lying nearby;
– From where has the barricade appeared? It was built by the Right Sector thugs in order to lock people trying to save themselves on the above floors.

Odessa 11

  • женский труп тащили по полу с места реальной смерти. Кто и зачем?

Female corpse was dragged across the floor space from the real place of her death. Who and why did it?

Odessa 12

– мужчина убит выстрелом в голову
-ранение навылет – под головой натекло

This man was shot in the head. Judging from clearly visible blood puddle, the murderer fired at point-blank so the bullet passed through the skull.

Odessa 13

Вы уже обратили внимание, что у погибших сгорели головы и плечевой пояс? Одежда от груди и ниже огнём не затронута – людей поливали сверху горючей жидкостью и поджигали.  Могли ли сохраниться солнцезащитные очки на лице, когда человек пытается стряхнуть с головы напалм?
От того сгорали кисти рук и запястья до кости.

На этом, как и на предыдущих фото, странная “белая побелка” на полу. Это порошёк из огнетушителей. Их использовали каратели после того, как люди погибали… чтобы самим не сгореть или пострадать от угарного газа.

Have you noticed already that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only? That clothing under chest is not affected by fire? Somebody poured flammable stuff onto upper body of those people and set them ablaze. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? Notice that hands and wrists of those people burned to the bones, too.

On this and previous pictures, a strange “whitewash” can be seen on the floor. That is the powder from extinguishers used by the punishers after people died…in order not to burn themselves or suffer from carbon monoxide.

Odessa 14

Юноша и девушка. Они не сгорели и не задохнулись – нет признаков открытого огня на паркете (ему лет 50 и он должен был вспыхнуть как солома) и копоти от дыма на стенах. Их убили другим способом. Скорее всего обоим сломали шеи – профессионалы развлекались.

Young man and young woman. They have neither burned nor suffocated – there are no signs of an open fire on the hardwood floor (it seems to be made 50 years ago so it should have catch fire as a straw) and soot from the smoke on the walls. They were killed by other means. Most likely, somebody broke their necks – “professionals” entertained themselves here.

Odessa 15

Баррикады были и на этажах. Кровь на паркете, Сгоревшая голова.
Вполне возможно, что каратели менялись верхней одеждой с убитыми. Знакомая фишка – простая и эффективная.

Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. Burnt head.

The red arrow: it’s possible that the killers were “borrowing” their clothing with victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.

Note: according to one of the main versions of what happened on May 2 in Odessa, the Right Sector thugs performed a false flag operation. They put St. George’s Ribbons (symbols of anti-Maidan federalism supporters) and organized violent provocation against Maidan supporters (i.e. against their own allies), in order to later blame federalism supporters and make them look responsible for death of many people.

Odessa 16

Женщина у лифтовой шахты без одежды ниже пояса. Скорее всего её изнасиловали, а потом облили голову горючей смесью и сожгли.

Dead woman near the elevator with clothes absent below her waist. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set aflame.

Odessa 17

Odessa 18

Убитые выстрелами в голову.

People shot in the head.

Odessa 19

Всё та же картина – сожжённые головы, кисти рук и плечевой пояс, нетронутая огнём нижняя часть тела.

The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.

Odessa 20

Odessa 21

Убитый выстрелами в голову.

Man with multiple headshots.

Odessa 22

Самая страшная картина. Скорее всего беременная сотрудница. Есть такие, кто убирают в кабинетах и поливают цветы в дни, когда учреждения не работают. Её задушили электропроводом. Она пыталась сопротивляться – на полу сброшенный цветок…

The scariest picture. Most likely it is a pregnant woman, who was one of the employees working on holidays, cleaning offices and watering flowers. She was strangled by an electric wire. She tried to resist – one can see discarded flower on the floor.

The following video recorded how this woman cried and called for help while being murdered (“HELP ME! HELP ME!” cries start at 0:20).

Odessa 23

… убийца.

…probably, that’s her killer.

Odessa 24

Радость “патриота Украины” – он сам указывает на жертву, на убийцу и на место преступления. Будущая мать и Одесса-мама убиты. Убита и Украина.

The sign of above demotivator that points on victim, murderer and the crime scene reads: “We offed Mommy! Glory to Ukraine!”. This demotivator has been joyfully posted by one of the Ukrainian “patriots”.

Note: “Mommy Odessa” is an affectionate nickname for Odessa, similar to “Big Apple” for New York, or “Emerald City” for Seattle.

Future mother (strangled woman) and Mommy Odessa are killed. As the whole Ukraine.

Свидетельство очевидца –

On the following video, an eyewitness says about more than one hundred victims killed inside the Trade Unions House (in Russian).

Odessa 25


p.s. Убитых может быть до 300. Большую часть, особенно детей и женщин, рубили топорами и забивали палками в подвале – http://vlad-dolohov.livejournal.com/ 876486.html

P.S. The number of killed people can be as high as 300. Most of people, especially children and women, were hashed with axes and clubbed to death with wooden sticks in the basement of the Trade Unions House: http://vlad-dolohov.livejournal.com/ 876486.html

Как убивали одесситов в Доме Профсоюзов – детали сценария… +18

С переводом на английский (includes English version).

Note: the English version has been corrected, thanks to skydigger, panchul, Иван Крамской


Both Stories Reported By GlobalResearch




How the Main Stream Media Distorts the Facts and ACTUAL TRUTH




Collected & Reported by Nevaehwest on SFP – 7/5/2014

