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TEHRAN (FNA)- The US spy agency, the CIA, has appointed General John Wright as the operation and cooperation commander for the proxy war in Syria in preparation for the occupation of the Southern city of Daraa via Jordan, sources disclosed on Monday.

CIA rebels

“Brigadier General John Wright has been appointed as the US operation and coordination commander for the proxy war in Syria,” an informed source told FNA on the condition of anonymity due to the secrecy of the issue.

“The 57-year-old veteran US General who has fought in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya wars has set up his office in Amman as a first step and started coordinations with Saudi Arabia,” the source said, adding that Wright has also held a meeting with Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the Saudi National Security Council Secretary and Intelligence Chief, in Amman.

“Following this meeting, the US shoulder-launched and anti-tank (Stinger) missiles were supplied to the anti-Syrian groups led by the CIA,” he added.

“All members of the US-led groups are selected from among the Syrian youth and at present 3,000 of these rebels are being trained in Jordan’s al-Mouqar base near the Syrian border,” the source stated.

“The US aims to impose a no-fly zone in Syria after occupation of Daraa,” the source said.

Earlier reports in June also said that Bandar Bin Sultan has supervised the operations for the supply of German anti-aircraft missiles to foreign-backed militants in Antakia.

Arab sources told Assafir Lebanese newspaper that Prince Bandar Bin Sultan supervised last week supplying the militant groups in Syria with a batch of heavy weapons that includes mainly German anti-aircraft missiles in Antakia before the militants distributed the weapons over their different groups in Aleppo, Homs, Damascus, and Idleb.

The sources added that Bandar is seeking an arm deal with France to provide the Syrian militants with French anti-aircraft missiles, yet the French expressed their concerns about their strategic interests, and refused to be the sole provider of weapons for the militants, calling on to share these burdens.

Arming the militant groups in Syria has been a hot political controversy among the countries which support the Syrian opposition.

As the Syrian army is achieving consecutive field victories, the Syrian militants complained their need for heavy weapons to face the army progress.

The unrest in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following intervention of western and regional states.

Many Syrians who sided with the opposition at start of the protests have now turned to side with the government and the army to defend their country against foreign-backed extremists.

According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions of others displaced in the violence.





