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Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: “All sides should unite in facing takfiri groups”

Beirut – Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Party Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the takfiri groups pose threats to all the countries and people of the region, stressing that all sides should unite in facing and terminating them.

In a speech on Friday, Nasrallah said that the barbaric acts committed by takfiri groups in Syria and Iraq and elsewhere are an affront to Islam, and that these groups pose a threat to Islam itself as a religion and a mission on an international scale.


Syrian Arab Army 10/1/2015 ~ Military operations against terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts continued Saturday in several provinces, killing large numbers of them and destroying their vehicles and weapons.


The competent authorities, in cooperation with locals, discovered an ammunition and weapons warehouse, including an Israeli made rifle, within an under construction building in Kafar Aya,  in the countryside of Homs province.

Meanwhile, units of the army and armed forces killed a number of terrorists’ leaders and destroyed their dens in Ein Hussein al-Janoubi, Talbiseh, Hilaliya farm and Tal Abu Sanasel towards Jebourin, in the countryside of Homs province.

Other army units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, killed scores of terrorists, among them leaders of the terrorist organizations in al-Mudairajeh al-Sharkiyeh, al-Sharkas building, al-Zarah village and between Ghajar Amir and Kisin villages in al-Rastan and Aqrab village in al-Hula in the countryside of Homs.

for their part, terrorist organizations admitted on their face book pages killing a number of their members in Homs including “Abdul-Rahim Haitham Rajoub”


Large number of terrorists were killed while many others were injured during military operations carried out against their gatherings and dens in the forests surrounding Ishtabraq village, Abu al-Douhor, Mazra’et Hassan al-Sharif and the surrounding of al-Shigher in the countryside of Idleb northern province.


Army and armed forces units killed scores of terrorists and injured many others in Tafas, Inkhel town, al-Kawabel building and Mansharet al-Hajar to the west of Atman town in the countryside of the southern province.

A military source told SANA that an army unit killed a number of “Al-Nusra Front “terrorists and destroyed their hideouts in Tafas, some 13 Km north of Daraa, while another unit killed a number of them in Mezereeb town northwest of the province.

Other army units killed many terrorists and destroyed a warehouse of weapons and ammunition in Daa’l town in the countryside.

On the other hand, Facebook pages circulated news that people of Nawa city took to streets in denunciation of Nusra terrorists’ crime of demolishing the shrine of al-Imam al-Nawawiin in the city last Wednesday.


Several members of terrorist takfiri organizations were killed or injured in the two towns of Nabeh Al-Sakher and Memtana, in the countryside of Al-Quneitra province.


Syrian Arab Army 9/1/2015 ~ Units of army and the armed forces on Friday continued to pursue takfiri and terrorist organizations in several provinces, inflicting heavy losses upon their ranks in personnel and equipment.


A military source said that the army units killed large number of terrorists and injured many others in the areas surrounding the Old Customs building in Daraa al-Balad and Zamreen town, north to Daraa city.


Units of army and armed forces killed and injured many terrorists in Jabal al-Akrad, Qastoun, Kou’a al-Shgher, Hallouz and al-Hota in Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb countryside.


A number of terrorists were killed while others were injured as the Syrian army targeted their gatherings in Rajm al-Qasser and the area surrounding it in the eastern countryside of Homs.

According to some social media pages, protests against terrorist practices and violations continued in al-Rastan city for the second day in a row. Hundreds of families went out in demonstrations against terrorist organizations which imposed blockade on them and steal their properties.



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