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Hundred foreign mercenaries captured by Syrian Army after regaining control of terrorists-held areas in the city of Homs.

The majority of the mercenaries captured are French, with the rest from several Arab countries, mostly from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Weapons made and supplied by USA and Israel.



Over a hundred foreign mercenaries have reportedly been captured by Syrian government troops after regaining control of terrorists-held areas in the city of Homs.
Sources say the majority of them are French, with the rest from several Arab countries.
Syrian authorities claim that life in the city that’s been under siege for almost a month is getting back to normal, but, as RT’s Maria Finoshina reports, there are serious fears the fighting is far from over.



Residents of Homs and eyewitness say horrific scenes of carnage have become a part of everyday life there.
RT spoke to a Russian woman who spent over a week in the embattled city – who says the picture painted by the media does not match the reality

Western leaders are classifying the Syrian conflict in more black-and-white terms every day, with Assad consistently on the dark side.

But while Brussels and Washington condemn the Assad government, eyewitnesses from Homs tell chilling stories of atrocities committed by opposition fighters, who kidnap and kill anyone they choose.

The fake “Free Syrian Army” blocked passage to Red Cross and Red Crescent ambulances, delaying evacuation from humanitarian disaster areas like the one in Baba Amr, a district of Homs. Further, on several instances when aid did reach its destination, there was no guarantee the people, who needed it, would receive it.

Thus, on Tuesday, a Russian helicopter flew into a neutral area to pick up Edith Bouvier, a French journalist wounded in the shelling of Homs on February 22. She was meant to be transported to France or Lebanon, but failed to appear, said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday.

She was in the area controlled by the “rebels”. They could carry her out to the helicopter. But she never came. Or were the “rebels” holding her?” added Putin.

Nothing changed after two attempts by Red Crescent ambulances.

Bouvier and another injured reporter, William Daniels, finally reached Paris on Friday night. But as far as the official powers are concerned, there was no reason for the wounded journalists to spend so much time in the devastated city.

As the recent death toll in Syria’s year-long uprising has leapt over 7,500 people, a growing number of voices are saying the atrocities carried out by the fake opposition can no longer be ignored.

There is a growing recognition that some of the fundamentalist Islamic groups, who probably make up about 30 per cent of the armed insurgents, are guilty of brutality…” Aisling Byrne, a project coordinator at the Conflicts Forum, told RT. “…It is a guerrilla war. This is not a fight for democracy, but a fight to introduce a hardline Sunni regime.


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