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Syria demands strong condemnation of recent terrorist carnage in Daraa

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent Saturday a letter to the President of the UN Security Council on the massacre which the armed terrorist groups committed against innocent civilians in the city of Daraa.

Terrorist atrocities in Daraa won’t hold back citizens from voting

Governor of Daraa, Mohammad Khaled al-Hannous said the massacre against residents of the al-Matar neighborhood in Daraa (39 civilian killed) won’t hold back citizens in the province from participation in a presidential vote set for June 3.

Terrorists on Thursday fired mortar shells on a tent packed with people-among them women and children- who had gathered to show support to the elections in al-Matar neighborhood in Daraa city, killing several citizens and wounding others.

The governor told the Syrian Satellite Channel on Friday, during a phone call, that the people of Daraa “cannot wait to head to the ballots in the hopes of being rid of the thieves and bandits who know nothing but killing and destruction.”

The acts of terrorists have changed popular temperament during the crisis, added the governor, especially after their ties with the Israelis came to light.

The governor said he welcomes those who opt to lay down arms and straighten out; indicating that whoever chooses to persist in his path against the Syrian army and state is an ally to Israel.

Terrorists’ explosive device claims 4 lives in Damascus, others injured in countryside

Four civilians got killed and seven others were injured Saturday when terrorists blew up an explosive device in al-Tijara neighborhood in Damascus.

A source at Damascus Police Command told SANA that terrorists detonated an explosive device they had stuck onto a parked car in a street in the neighborhood, claiming the life of two citizens and injuring 7 others, including a woman and a child.

The explosive device weighed 30 kg and was attached to the driver’s seat and the back seat, causing the car and a nearby one to burn, the source added.

Two national reconciliation committee members injured by terrorist attack in Damascus countryside

Two members of the national reconciliation committee in Qusaya city in Damascus countryside got injured by a terrorist attack.

A source at the police command told SANA reporter that five terrorists kidnapped a member of the national reconciliation committee and two of his sons from al-Amal Square in Qusaya, and the terrorists tortured them before their ran away, while the other member got injured by other terrorists’ gunfire.




SFP from Agencies – 24/5/2014

