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Bhim Singh

Prof. Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of the Panthers Party and Member of National Integration Council


(received by prof. Prof. Bhim Singh and willingly published)


National Panthers Party
New Delhi, 10th September, 2013
Press Release

Bhim Singh hails Putin’s courage to shut USA from interfering into Syrian crisis

Addressing a high-profile seminar on the occasion of 20th Anniversary of the Treaty of Frienship and Cooperation between Russia and India on Indo-Russian relations organized by Russian Cultural Centre, New Delhi, Prof. Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of the Panthers Party and Member of National Integration Council hailed the highly courageous and farsighted stand taken by the Russian Federation vis-à-vis the Syrian crisis.

Among others who participated in the seminar included Mr. Fedor Rozovskiy, Director, Russian Centre of Science and Culture, Mr. Denis Alipov, Charge’d Affairs, Embassy of the Russian Federation in India, Mr. Kanwal Sibal, Former Foreign Secretary of India & Former Ambassador of India to Russia, Mr. Kamal Choudhary, Ex.M.P.

Prof. Bhim Singh pointed out that word ‘peace’ was missing in the Indo-Soviet Treaty signed in 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The earlier Treaty signed between India and Soviet Union (now Russian Federation) had mentioned words ‘friendship’, ‘peace’ & ‘cooperation’.

The present Treaty had omitted the word ‘peace’ assuming that word ‘peace’ was not necessary as the so-called ‘cold war’ had come to an end. The NPP Supremo said that peace and international security has been the first casualty after the collapse of USSR.

He said that the United States of America has assumed the authority of an SHO, a super policeman threatening peace everywhere in Asia, Africa and even in Eruope.

Prof. Bhim Singh said that illegal invasion of Yugoslavia, Iraq, followed by aggression against Libya under the leadership of the Anglo-American Bloc leave not even an iota of doubt that the US President is behaving worst than Hitler.

He said that United Nations has been ignored by the Anglo-American Bloc in invading the Member States, may they be Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Sudan. He said that US had one mission in the Arab world to grab its oil and earth-wealth and that was their interests in the Arab world.

He said that the US mission in Syria is to liquidate the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar-al-Assad for the reason that Syria has been demanding implementation of UN Resoultions namely, 242, 338 and others where the Security Council had directed Israel to vacate all Arab Territories including the Golan Heights of Syria under illegal occupation of Israel since 1967.

Prof. Bhim Singh said that the Arabs are friends of India and India has a commitment for the establishment of a Sovereign State of Palestine and India has its responsibility to ensure that no foreign power shall interfere into the domestic affairs of Syria.

This is what Prime Minister of India has declared on the floors of the General Assembly of United Nations and recently in the G20 conclave in Moscow. The Russian Federation has responsibility to stand by the friends of India as well.

Prof. Bhim Singh said that Mr. Vladimir Putin has revived the hopes of the developing world particularly the world which has been suppressed by the Anglo-American Bloc that their security shall be defended if attacked or invaded by any outside power in violation of the UN Charter.

He said that Mr. Obama has to think hundred times before attacking Syria.

He said that our Russian friends are not sitting silent and Mr. Putin has a commitment to save the UN Charter from being plundered by any power.

He said any interference by the US shall ignite nuclear war and US shall be responsible for it.

Sudesh Dogra, Political Secretary



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