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Bashar al-Assad’s presidential mandate is a clear message from the people to trust him as the best leader to fight against international plot which is using jihadist mercenaries terrorist as USA/Zionist’s puppets.


June 09, 2014 – Members of the People’s Assembly said during a session Sunday that re-election of President Bashar al-Assad in the June 3 vote is a continuation of the national efforts to preserve national and pan-Arab principles.

“The elections’ results were a renewed public mandate to go ahead with Syria’s battle against terrorism and its backers and funders,” Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said.

He added that they are also a mandate to continue with political reform and national reconciliations.

Al-Laham highlighted that the presidential election was a success thanks to the achievements of the Syrian army and the high turnout of the people who “answered the homeland’s call” and streamed to say their word and give voice to their will.

MP Rafaat al-Hussein described President al-Assad as an “extraordinary leader” who is to meet the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Other MPs viewed the re-election of President al-Asad as a “defeat” for the enemies’ projects that are aimed to fragment Syria and undermine its national unity.

“The world was taken aback by the Syrians’ flooding to the ballot boxes who gave a lesson in democracy as the Syrian army has been giving lessons in sacrifice and love for the homeland,” said MP George Nakhleh.

For her part, MP Maha al-Omar applauded the solid and unrelenting will with which President al-Assad has led Syria throughout the crisis, sailing it toward victory.

Other MPs expressed hope that the high national sentiment witnessed in the elections will be translated into concerted efforts to pluck Syria to safety.

“Syria today is most in need for overcoming differences with the national opposition and work with perseverance on combating terrorism,” said MP Subhi al-Abdullah.


Sources: SANA/Said – 9/6/2014

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