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After Two MonthS of Fighting, and Thanks to the Heroism of the Syrian Army Guys, Few Hours Ago Security and Stability Have Been Restored to Kassab, and the Syrian Flag Flies Again Over the City

The General Command of the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian Armed Forces said in a statement that after eliminating scores of terrorist gangs and inflicting heavy losses on them, units of the Syrian Arab Army, in cooperation with the National Defense Forces, restored security and stability to Kassab city, in Lattakia’s northern countryside, after a series of accurate and successful operations in which control was tightened on al-Nabin town and the surrounding areas.

The attack on Kassab was a cowardly act of complicity among the worst terrorist groups (FSA, al-Nusra Front, ISIL…) and the Erdogan regime, with the complacency and support of E.U.-N.A.T.O.-U.S.A.

The statement pointed out the importance of this achievement in terms of the geographic location of Kassab and “It smashes the illusions of the aggression and its tools of securing a marine port and establishing a buffer zone along the borders with Turkey that forms a base for launching terrorist acts against the Syrian people”.

This achievement adds up to the victories achieved by the Syrian people, army and leadership in countering terrorism, the statement noted.

The statement said that deterring terrorism from Kassab city is a decisive blow to the terrorists and their supporters, stressing General command’s commitment to pursue terrorist groups until security and stability are restored to every inch of the homeland.


SFP – 15/06/2014

