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Catholic news agency Fides reported on Tuesday that a Syrian parish priest and at least 20 Christians have been kidnapped from the Syrian village of Knayeh, near the Syrian-Turkish border, as reported by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Father Hanna Jallouf, a Franciscan, has been kidnapped during the night between Sunday-October 5 and Monday-October 6 in Knayeh, a small Christian village with over 700 Catholic families. It seems that the kidnappers are members of one of the criminal gangs of al-Nusra.

The Catholic news agency Fides quoted Bishop Georges Abou Khazen, the Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo in Syria, who said that around 20 Christians were kidnapped along with the priest. “Among the kidnapped are young people, both boys and girls,” Bishop Khazen reported.

Jihadist mercenary terrorists targeted Christians Yazidi and Shi’ite Muslims in Syria and Iraq, killed thousands of people, forced at least 2 million Iraqis to abandon their homes.

The 80-year-old Franciscan nun, Sister Patrizia Guarino, which was part of the Christian community of Knayeh, is free and safe.

Up until last Christmas, Knayeh vilage was under the tyranny of ISIS militants, who imposed on Christians the removal of crosses over churches, the ban on ringing church bells, covering statues and an obligation for women to cover up with the Islamic veil. When Daesh-ISIL terrorists moved to east they were replaced by Al Nusra gangs.

No information are currently available about the hostages.

But the synchronization between the attacks of the terrorist gangs and the demands of “no-fly-zone” and “boots-on-the-ground” by Erdogan and his accomplices of the Turkis regimeh, is stunning.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan saidimmediately after the release of the news of the kidnapping, on late Tuesday 7 October, that the Kurdish-Syran border city of Kobane is…

“on the verge of falling into the hands of jihadists militants and feels a ground invasion in Syria and Iraq as necessary“.

as reported by the Turkish newspaper Hurryet, adding that Erdogan said that Kobane…

“is about to fall” in the hands of the jihadist.

“The air strikes will not stop the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [Daesh-ISIL]. We need a no-fly zone, safe havens and to train and equip the moderate opposition in Syria,” Erdogan added.

About a month ago, the jihadist mercenaries of Daesh-ISIL started to attack the  neighboring villages of Kobane, forcing over 180 thousand Syrian Kurds to seek refuge across the Turkish border.

Do not forget that Turkish parliament recently approved a possible direct military intervention by Turkey in the Syrian conflict, in complicity with the United States and its allies.

According to Hurriyet and different other media, Ankara insists on striking the legitimate government of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and the National Syrian Armed Forces.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu insisted publicly and shamelessly to clarify the position of the warmongering Turkey in an interview with CNN.

Our boots on ground if U.S. strategy includes targeting Bashar al-Assad”, Davutoğlu said to CNN reporter.

But American allies and Turkey play to bounce each other the responsibility of arming and supporting terrorist groups in the area.

US Vice-President Joe Biden recently saidby referring to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that…

We Couldn’t Convince Our Mideast Allies to Stop Supporting Extremists in Syria”.


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