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by Hussein Murtada

The Syrian Army has once again let loose its capabilities in the battle of liberating Idleb in the northwest, from the armed groups, in a strategic operation targeting a meeting held by ‘Al Nusra Front’ leaders in the town of Al Hubeit, killing Samir Hijazi (known as “Abi Humam” or “Farouq Al Souri”) and who is the general military leader of the Front, alongside thirty other leaders including, “Abou Musaab Al Falastini”; “Abou Omar Al Kurdi” who is considered one of the actual 7 founders of ‘Al Nusra’; and “Abou Baraa Al Ansari”.

This is how the Syrian Army ended the 17-year-old journey which Hijazi (Abou Human Al Souri) had spent moving between Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, after three of his brothers were killed earlier in battles and fights in Idleb and rural Latakia.

Indeed, it is a superb security operation by which the Syrian Army was able to direct a harsh blow to ‘Al Nusra Front’ and their operators at a time in which these groups are suffering internal division. On the other hand, the Syrian Army units are making vast progression in rural Latakia, Halab, Qalamoun, and Dar’aa, thus revealing the weakness of these groups. Sources reveal that the intelligence information the Syrian Army made use of in that operation was no “ordinary”, as the observation and surveillance units in the Army planted bugs and tracking devices in Abu Human’s personal vehicle.

In addition, it placed several operating units in rural Idleb and Halab in order to acquire a huge amount of intelligence surrounding the movements of ‘Al Nusra Front’ leaders, in addition to obtaining accurate details about the meeting place and timing, as well as the number of leaders who would be attending, hence indicating the Syrian Army’s capability of monitoring all their movements precisely.

“The information came in.. and the “Al Nusra’s” leaders were in the trap”– the decision here was fast and could not be postponed, as everyone knows that the meeting of these leaders barely takes half an hour due to fear of infiltration and the targeting of the headquarter; therefore, the decision was quickly taken to carry out an airstrike targeting the base, and thus it was immediately put into action.

The intuitive question remains as to what the nature of the scheme was in which these terrorists were meeting for?

Certainly, the intention to target was not only to terminate the most dangerous leaders in ‘Al Nusra Front’, but it was a clear message from the Syrian government stating that it is aware of everything that is going on in the country, and that the ‘secret’ which Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and the United States think is ‘invisible’ to Damascus is under close follow-up in all details by the Syrian Intelligence Command. Two days prior to the airstrike, a hidden disagreement between Qatar and Turkey surfaced, especially following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Saudi Arabia, after which Abou Muhammad Al Joulani started researching how to actually break the bonds with Al Qaeda in order to form a new entity supported by some Gulf nations in an attempt to dismantle the Turkish-Saudi-American plan and isolating Turkey, which has the upper hand in terms of geography.

In contrast, Abi Humam’s opinion, alongside some ‘Nusra’ leaders, was that they should open up to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United States following the arrival of American trainers to the Turkish base in Urfa’s north, and after Turkish intelligence officers made a call to Abi Omar Al Kurdi, demanding an urgent meeting with American officers at the Turkish military base in Urfa to study where things would be heading to after the United States and the alliance had bailed out on clearing a “Strict Motion” and as ‘Al Nusra Front’ was putting its hands on tactical weapons and Tau Missiles.

This pushed Abi Omar Al Kurdi to propose the matter in front of the Advisory Council in ‘Al Nusra Front’, which was reported to Al Joulani. Hence, the disagreement fell amongst the two parties, leading the latter to contact Qatari intelligence, asking for an urgent meeting. In that meeting, Qatari officers asked Al Joulani to blend in with tiny groups such as “Army of Mujahideen”, “Al Ansar”, and other groups lead by Chechens, and to punish the leaders who are contacting Turkey under the charge of “Attempting to Compromise the

On the night of the meeting, Salafi figures associated with Turkey were supposed to arrive through the borders to follow-up on some discussions concerning the matter with the Advisory Council and the leaders, who in turn preferred to limit the meeting to Al Joulani in an attempt to bridge the gap in the body of the organisation. With Al Joulani’s delay to arrive to the headquarter of the meeting, Al Jabha’s leaders decided to leave, which thus pushed the Syrian Army to target the headquarter before they had made it out.

This successful operation pulled by the Syrian Army indicates the capability of its various units to direct painful blows to these groups, and that it still owns the military and security initiative in all of the battlefields.



L’armée syrienne a mis fin à 17 ans de déplacement de la famille Hijazi (des terroristes égorgeurs) entre l’Afghanistan, l’Iraq et la Syrie: 3 membres de leur famille tués dans les provinces d’Idleb et Lattaquié
~ March 15, 2015


SOURCES : al-Ahed News
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