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Syrian Army inflicts heavy losses upon terrorists in the countrysides of Lattakia, Damascus, Aleppo, Hama, Quneitra, Idleb, Homs…

Units of the armed forces on Sunday inflicted heavy losses upon the armed terrorist groups in several areas and foiled terrorists’ infiltration attempts into safe areas.

Army inflicts heavy losses upon terrorists in Lattakia countryside

A military source said that the army units made heavy fire hits targeting terrorists’ gatherings in al-Kouz mountain, the are surrounding Point 45 and near al-Nisser mountain in the northern countryside of Lattakia, inflicting heavy losses upon them.  

Army eliminates terrorists, obliterates their weaponry in Damascus Countryside

The army destroyed a vehicle equipped with heavy machinegun and killed a number of terrorists near Yabroud, among them were Maher Hamdoun and Bilal Kharboush. 7 terrorists were killed in the area of Sednaya.

The army units clashed with terrorist groups in the city of al-Zabadani and the town of Basemeh, among the killed terrorists were Mahmoud Rahma, Eihab al-Majzoub, Samir Halemeh and Abdul-Razzaq Muhra.

The army also eliminated all members of an armed terrorist groups in Erbeen, along with the group’s leader terrorist Mohammad al-Mubbayed. The army also killed 30 terrorists in many areas in Douma.

The army clashed with terrorists in the areas of al-Muleiha, Jisreen and Deir al-Asafeer, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their weaponry and munitions.

An army unit pursued an armed terrorist group to the near of Joubar neighborhood, killing and injuring most of its members.


Terrorists set fire to reconciliation official’s car in Kiswa, Damascus Countryside

Terrorists set fire to the car of Head of National Reconciliation Committee in the village of al-Tayba in Kiswa, Damascus Countryside.

A source at the Police Command told SANA that the attack caused only material damage.

The armed terrorist groups had targeted many of heads and members of national reconciliation committees, the last of which was rigging the car of Head of National Reconciliation Committee in the areas of Yalda, Babila and Bait Sahm with explosive device.

Worker killed in Daraa of a terrorist sniper

A worker at Daraa Agriculture Directorate was killed of a bullet terrorist sniper.

A source in Daraa told SANA that a terrorist has shot fire on the worker while going to his work. 

Army eliminates dozens of terrorists in Aleppo

The army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in the areas of al-Bureej, near the Central prison, the Industrial City, Kifr Sagher, al-Madafa, Tal Swseen, Hreitan, al-Atareb, Kweires and Erbeed in Aleppo countryside, killing dozens of terrorists and destroying their vehicles and equipment.

The army also carried out a series of operations against the terrorist groups in the areas of al-Widiahi, al-Marjeh, Ba’eden, Babees, al-Mislmyeh, Blas, al-Jadeda, Rasm al-Abboud, Hanano, Haddaden, Bani Zaid, Ourm, al-Kallaseh and al-Mansoura in Aleppo, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

An army unit clashed with terrorists who tried to infiltrate the areas of al-Masharqa and Bustan al-Zahra in Aleppo and made direct hits against them.


Army ambushes terrorists in Hama, scores killed

A source in Hama Province told SANA reporter that an army unit ambushed an armed terrorist group in the area between Tal al-Milh and al-Jalma in Hama northern countryside, killing and injuring all terrorists and seizing their weapons and communication devices.

An army unit killed 7 terrorists in Morek town in Hama northern countryside, while another unit killed and injured scores of terrorists in Morek and destroyed their weaponry and ammunition. 

Communications worker injured by terrorists’ gunfire in Hasaka

A communications maintenance worker was injured Sunday by terrorists’ gunfire while he was on duty in Marakdeh area in Hasaka.

Director of the Communications Directorate in the province Jamil al-Bilal told SANA reporter that a maintenance team headed in the morning to Markadeh area to operate a phone center there and came under gunfire attack by a group of terrorists, which caused injury to one of the workers.

A communications maintenance worker was injured Sunday by terrorists’ gunfire while he was on duty in Marakdeh area in Hasaka.

Director of the Communications Directorate in the province Jamil al-Bilal told SANA reporter that a maintenance team headed in the morning to Markadeh area to operate a phone center there and came under gunfire attack by a group of terrorists, which caused injury to one of the workers.


Terrorists’ dens destroyed in Daraa

Army units destroyed terrorists’ dens in the towns of Tafas, Nassib, al-N’eimeh and Enkhel and in the surrounding of the National Hospital in Nawa in the countryside of Daraa province, according to a military source.

SANA reporter quoted the source as saying that numbers of terrorists were killed and others were injured in the operations.


Terrorists’ infiltration and attack attempts foiled in Homs

A military source told SANA that a unit of the armed forces foiled a terrorists’ infiltration attempt from al-Ghasbiyeh village towards al-Dwair village in Homs countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists.

A number of members of another armed terrorist group tried to attack guard members of al-Rastan Dam were also killed or injured.

The source added that army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in al-Dar al-Kabira, Bait Kaswat in Talbiseh to the east of Ounk al-Hawa and Abu Hawadit in Homs countryside, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.

Army repels infiltrating terrorists in Quneitra

In Quneitra countryside, army units killed and injured a number of terrorists in al-Dawayeh al-Saghira village near Tal al-Hara and thwarted an armed terrorist group’s infiltration attempt into a military checkpoint in the village and into Ein al-Basha village.

Meanwhile, another army unit repelled an armed terrorist group’s attempt to attack a military checkpoint in al-Hejjeh town in the countryside, killing and injuring all its members.


Terrorists killed in Idleb

A military source said an army unit killed and wounded large numbers of terrorists in Sarmin town in Idleb countryside.

The terrorists Mohammad Kahtan, a Saudi, and Osama Eneiz and Amir al-Nayef, Libyans, were identified among the killed terrorists.

The source told SANA that the army killed and injured a number of terrorists near al-Arba’een Mount and Kifr Najd.

Scores of terrorists were eliminated by the army near al-Fou’a village, among the killed terrorists were Abdul-Baset al-Sallat, Mohmmad al-sayfi, Mohammad al-Hammous, Mahi Eddin Asaad and Mohammad al-Basha.


SFP from SANA military reports – 30/03/2014

