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Units of the armed forces repelled armed terrorist groups in several areas and destroyed their weapons and hideouts.

Army units inflict heavy losses upon terrorists in Damascus Countryside

SANA reporter said that the army units carried out operations against terrorists in the area near al-Sarkha town to the south of Yabroud city, killing and injuring scores of them, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Most of the dead terrorists were non-Syrians, including terrorists called Abu Ahmed Hisham from Palestine who was specialized in preparing bomb cars.

She added that other army units killed and injured many terrorists affiliated to the so-called “Islamic Front” in Adra al-Balad, in addition to destroying a number of their cars.

The army units clashed with terrorists in Jobar neighborhood, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

The reporter pointed out that an army unit pursued members of an armed terrorist group to the southwestern of al-Wafideen camp, killing and injuring a lot of them.

In Douma city, the army units destroyed a terrorists’ den and killed all terrorists inside it, while other army units discovered 150 m tunnel in the same area which was used by terrorists to move and store weapons.

Meanwhile, scores of terrorists were killed in Darayaa city by an army operations against their dens.

Army pursues terrorists in Lattakia’s northern countryside, eliminates a number of them

Army units and national defense forces establish full control over site 45 in Lattakia’s northern countryside, and they continue to pursue the remnants of armed terrorist groups around, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

SANA’s correspondent on the ground said that army and national defense units destroyed six vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns along with the terrorists inside them on the road to Nabe’a al-Murr, and that these vehicles were trying to flee after the army established control of site 45.

Army eliminates terrorists in Daraa

A unit of the armed forces eliminated all members of an armed terrorist group in al-Mlaiha al-Gharbiyeh in Daraa countryside and destroyed their weapons and ammunition, a military source told SANA.

The source added that terrorist Saad-eddin Qaloush , the leader of the armed group was identified among the dead.

A unit of the armed forces chased down an armed terrorist group in al-Wardat area in the countryside, leaving a number of its members dead and wounded.

Infiltration attempt thwarted, heavy weaponry destroyed in Homs

An army unit destroyed a rocket launcher and three vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns belonging to terrorists in Jebb al-Jarrah area in the eastern countryside of Homs, according to a military source.

Units of the army and the armed forces thwarted an infiltration attempt by an armed terrorist group from al-Ghasbiah village into al-Dwair in Homs countryside, a military source told SANA.

The source said that a number of terrorist group’s members were killed and wounded.

Terrorists suffer heavy losses in Aleppo

Army units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists near the Central Prison, the industrial area, al-Braij, Kafr Saghir, al-Madafeh, Hanano, Hadadin, al-Lairamoun, Sheikh Saeed, Heilan, al-Shweihna, al-Mansoura, Deir Hafer, Jeb Ghabsheh, Ballas, Anjara, Baidin, al-Wdaihi, al-Zubdiye and Khan al-Assal in Aleppo city and its countryside.

Other units destroyed a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns along with the terrorists inside them in the areas of Tal Hattabat, Rasm al-Abboud and al-Marjeh.

Army destroys terrorists’ vehicles in Idleb countryside

A military source said that an army unit destroyed a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns along with the terrorists inside them in the areas of Saraqeb and Bannesh in Idleb countyside.

Other units targeted terrorist gatherings in the villages of Maarean, Kafr Najd, Qumenas, and al-Nairab, leaving the terrorists dead or injured and destroying their equipment.

Meanwhile, other army units targeted terrorists’ dens and gatherings near al-Rooj plan in the countryside, killing and injuring scorers of them and destroying a number of their cars which were loaded with weapons and ammunition.

The source pointed out that most of the dead terrorists were non-Syrians.

Jeep carrying 126,000 pills of fenethylline seized in Sweida

A Jeep carrying 126,000 pills of fenethylline (an amphetamine-type of drug commonly referred to by the brand name Captagon) was seized in Sweida, and the driver was arrested.

The pills were concealed under the car’s seats, inside the doors, and inside a spare tire.

Cooling tower at al-Zara power plant damaged due to terrorist attack

Armed terrorist groups targeted with three rocket shells al-Zara power plant in Hama governorate, causing damage to one of the cooling towers.

A source at the plant told SANA that the shells fired by terrorists caused damage to the second 135 meter-high cooling tower, adding that the plant’s three power generating sets are still functioning.

The attack caused no casualties, the source said.

Army units eliminate terrorists in Quneitra and Daraa

A military source told SANA that the army units eliminated an entire terrorist group in al-Duwayeh al-Sughra town in Quneitra countryside.

In Daraa, the army units targeted terrorist gatherings and dens in Daraa al-Balad.


SFP from SANA military reports

