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Army foils terrorists’ infiltration attempts in different areas and repels them across the country

The Syrian Arab Army on Saturday continued upholding its national duty of pursuing armed terrorist groups in different regions, carrying out successful operations against their hideouts and foiling infiltration attaempts.

Army destroys terrorist hideouts in al-Mleiha, establishes control over strategic hill overlooking Rankous in Damascus Countryside

SANA’s correspondent on the ground said that army units destroyed terrorist hideouts in the northern entrance of the town of al-Mleiha in Damascus Countryside and near Tameco factory, eliminating a number of terrorists and uncovering tunnels the terrorists had been using to move around and transport weapons and ammo.

A military source told SANA that army units established full control over the Birds Reserve hill, a strategic hill next to the Radar hill northwest of the Cherubim Monastery, which overlooks the town of Rankous in Damascus Countryside.

Military source refutes media claims of terrorists seizing Air Force Intelligence building in Aleppo

A military source refuted reports circulated by some biased media outlets claiming that armed terrorist groups seized control of the Air Force Intelligence building in northwest Aleppo city.

The source said that army units continue to deliver crippling blows to terrorists in areas near the building in Kafr Hamra, al-Lairamouns and near the Artisans Society, crushing them and inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Army foils inflitration attaemp by terrorists in Aleppo

Army unit foiled terrorist group’ s infiltration attempt to al-Ameriyeh in Aleppo city, killing and injuring a number of them.

A military source told SANA that army units killed and injured a number of terrorists and destroyed their tools in Hritan, Alliramoon, Bani zaid, al-Mislmiyeh, Khan Touman, al-Rashidin, al-Haidariyeh, Tal Rif’at, Oroum al-Kobra, Kibtan al-Janal, Kafr Hamra, surrounding Aleppo Central Prison and al-Sukari in Aleppo city and its countryside.

Army thwarts terrorists’ infiltration attempt in Daraa

Army units foiled infiltration attempts by armed terrorist groups’  from al-Yadoudeh village to the safe areas in al-Yarmouk area and from al-Nazihin camp to the consumption company in the camp in Daraa, a military source told SANA.

The source added that the army killed and injured all members of the armed groups and destroyed their tools.

The army units also destroyed terrorists’ gatherings in Boser al-Harir, Mehajjeh, Enkhil, Kahil, al-Ghariyeh al-Sharqiyeh, Um Darej area in al-Bajabijeh neighborhood , Jordan street, surrounding al-Ma’asara in the old customs in Daraa al-Balad, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.

Army eliminates terrorists in Homs countryside

A military source told SANA that army units killed and injured a number of terrorists in al-Misherfeh, Talbiseh, to the east of Masa’deh and al-Ghasbiyeh in al-Dar al-Kabira in Homs countryside, and destroyed their criminal equipment.

Other units destroyed terrorist hideouts in neighborhoods in al-Rastan city and in Ein Husseinand al-Sa’en in Homs countryside, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

Army units eliminate terrorists in areas of Idleb countryside

Army units destroyed terrorist hideouts near Ma’aret al-Nu’man, Kafr Yahmoul, Taftanaz, Zardana, Kafr Najd, Bennesh and Sermin, and near the road between Aleppo and Saraqeb in Idleb countryside, leaving many terrorists dead or injured.

Another unit prevented a terrorist group from infiltrating a military point in Heish north of Khan Sheikhoun, leaving the terrorists dead or injured.


Army’s intensive campaign against terrorism continues in all Syrian areas

The Army and Armed Forces units continued their intensive campaign against terrorism in all Syrian cities and areas

Army eliminates terrorists’ leaders in Damascus Countryside

The army units carried out several operations against the armed terrorist groups in many areas in Damascus Countryside, killing huge numbers of them and destroying their gatherings and weaponry.

SANA reporter was informed that the army destroyed a weapons warehouse in Rankous area, eliminated all members of an armed terrorist group, along with its leader Mohammad Ali Lafi, near Yabroud and killed 5 terrorists and injured 25 others near al-Sarkha village.

The army units destroyed a terrorists’ hideout along with all weapons and ammunition stored in it in Zabadani eastern mountains and killed a number of terrorists, among them was Aseed al-Khateeb. The army engineering units defused two explosive devices weighing between 15 and 17 kg planted by terrorists near the entrance of Ein al-Hour village north of al-Zabadani.

In Madaya, the army discovered a 70-m long tunnel that was used by terrorists to transport weapons and move between areas. In Daraya, the army clashed with terrorist groups in the city and killed 10 terrorists.

An army unit killed nearly all members of an armed terrorist group, along with their leader Louay Wadhi, in al-Mleiha town and killed a number of terrorists and destroyed hideouts and gatherings in the village of Erbeen.

Another army unit targeted and destroyed a terrorists’ hideout in Alya Farms in Douma, killing a number of terrorists, among them was their leader Abu Mohammad al-Sahrawi.

Meanwhile, the army targeted and destroyed a terrorists’ hideout in the areas of al-Kuswa, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their weaponry and ammunition.

Army units repel terrorists’ attempt to attack military checkpoints in Hama countryside

A military source told SANA reporter that an army unit repelled an armed terrorist group attempt to attack military checkpoints in al-Jamleh and al-Sheikh Hadiyd areas in the Hama countryside, killing and injuring many of them, in addition to destroying two cars equipped with heavy machineguns.

The source added that non-Syrian terrorists were among the dead terrorists. 

Army units destroy terrorists’ vehicles in Qunetira countryside

Army units destroyed two terrorists’ cars equipped with heavy machineguns in Ein Ziwan area in Qunetira countryside, killing all terrorists inside them.

Terrorists’ dens targeted in Aleppo and its countryside

A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured as their vehicles and criminal tools were destroyed in a number of areas in Aleppo and its countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army units attacked terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts in the industrial zone, the vicinity of the central prison, Kfar Hamra, Haritan, Daret Izza, al-Atareb, Bani Zaid, al-Lairamoun, Ma’aret al-Artiq, al-Mansoura, Azzan, Kfar Dael, around Kwairis and al-Jdaide in Aleppo and its countryside.

Other terrorists’ gatherings and dens in Khan al-Assal and Journalists Association were targeted where a number of terrorists were killed and others injured as two pickups equipped with heavy machineguns were destroyed.

A number of terrorists were also killed in al-Rashideen neighborhood.

Terrorists eliminated in Homs

A military source said that the army units eliminated a number of terrorists in the villages of al-Ghasbieh, Eyoun Hussein, al-Rastan and Talbesieh in Homs countryside and destroyed their criminal tools.

Meanwhile, other army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings in al-Shomariyeh mountains and Abu Hawadet in the eastern countryside of Homs, killing and injuring many of them.

Army units eliminate terrorists, arrest others in Idleb countryside

A military source told SANA that the army units destroyed a vehicle loaded with weapons and ammunition and arrested many terrorists in Idleb countryside.

Other army units targeted terrorists’ dens and gatherings in the villages of Tal Salmo, al-Dbshiyeh, Abu Duhour, Talab, Om Jrein, al-Bweidr and Baya’iet al-Sukhneh in the countryside, killing a number of terrorists and injuring others.

An army unit targeted a terrorist group near al-Shaghr village in Idleb countryside, killing twelve terrorists and wounding scores, all of them Chechens.


SFP from SANA military reports – 12/04/2014


